Madison Johnson or otherwise known as MJ, is the daughter of Mary and Steve Klein and the late ... Learn More

Madison Johnson
About Me
Madison Johnson or otherwise known as MJ, is the daughter of Mary and Steve Klein and the late Alan Johnson. She is involved in numerous things in school including Interact, Code Red, FCA, Student Travel, and student council. She has also participated in golf for one year and basketball, and softball two years. MJ is the treasurer of the senior class and secretary of student council. She is employed at Blind Society as a sever. She is unsure of her plans for after high school but is interested in a media or communications degree or a business degree. She is undecided which college she will attend to receive her degree. “The reasons I joined CEO are to learn more about the business field, to enhance my professional relationship skills, and to improve my public speaking skills. I look forward to the challenge of growing, learning, and improving myself and my business and communication skills during CEO. So far this year I have already learned about marketing and business with our Fair Market Challenge and I have met many business men and women from our community and the surrounding community. I am excited about the rest of our year and to see our group and individual accomplishments and growth. “

Madison Johnson's DISC Profile
• You think it is important to have some time to evaluate options before acting. • Under high pressure, you may become somewhat indecisive or resistant to making a very quick decision. • You prefer a culture that allows ample time for analysis of new ideas before implementation takes place. • You prefer a work environment that is not too pressured or filled with constant change. • You can be very modest in dealing with others. • You may be hesitant to share your opinion with others if the topic is divisive or hotly contested.
• At times, your desire to express your opinion and interact with others may come across as self-promoting by the quieter people you know. • You seek freedom of speech and the ability to express ideas and opinions openly. • You most likely enjoy helping others as coach, counselor, or teacher. • You express or talk about your emotions openly on the up-side or down-side. • You enjoy opportunities to motivate others. • You tend to not be very organized or attentive to details at all.
• You can be fairly resistant to change. • You always demonstrate a high degree of follow-through. • You tend to resist confronting or rebelling against the established norm. • You're a very good team player. • You strongly prefer a workplace with a sincere, personal, and agreeable environment with little hostility. • Increasing your sense of urgency could benefit your performance in many instances.
• You view rules more as guidelines that may need to be bent or modified depending on the situation. • You prefer varied activities, never a dull moment. • You prefer to be encouraged to create and try new ideas and procedures. • You can develop a variety of strategies and procedures as situations demand. • You want little, if any, "routine" work. • You could become rigid about your desire to do things differently or more quickly.